Pizza Fit'n Free

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 15

I didn't have time to take pictures of all my food today, because I was in massage class all day. For breakfast, I had more of that yummy cinnamon cereal with blueberries. For lunch, I had the meatball sandwich. It was pretty good. For dinner, I had the frozen margherita pizza. I added some sauteed onion, green/red bell peppers, and zucchini. I also added some olives and sliced tomatoes. It was pretty good and the crust was amazing. But, it wasn't as good as the flatbread pizza.

For dessert, I tried the ice-cream sandwich. It was actually pretty good. I was afraid of tasting the nutra sweet flavor, but it didn't really taste all that bad.

1 comment:

  1. Yum a ice cream sandwhich one of my favorite deserts.
